BODYQ™ is a first of its kind technology that integrates a body testing tool used to assess movement, function, general health, balance, and performance. BODYQ™ combines a dynamic set of measurements with state-of-the-art functional imaging on a user-friendly technology suite allowing easy to read results with full-color graphics. BODYQ’s integrated testing program measures the health and wellness of your muscles, bones, joints, neurological systems, and overall functionality of the human body. Its primary purpose is to help you prevent injuries and address potential health issues before they become serious.
Once completed, BODYQ will calculate your overall health score, generate a comprehensive report, and will also give you comparisons in the range of normalcy for your age group. Kind of like those physical fitness tests you took in gym class during your childhood. Your BODYQ technician will be with you to go over all results. If there are any areas of concern, we will go over recommendations with you. Click here for more information on BodyQ.